I have been slowly working on this post for three days now. It is a ridiculous testament to how busy I have been lately, and how slow my dial-up Internet connection is, that I must take a few days to download a couple of pictures and formulate a few thoughts into typed sentences. I love Spring, but all of the activity has me spinning. Not that it isn't anything I didn't choose. I just have my hand in a little bit of everything right now... crochet circle, crafting for the market, making and spending time with new friends, joining a women's choir, weekly ballet classes, gardening like an addict, reading several new books, a brand new attempt at homeschooling my eight year old, signing the boys up for various recreational activities that I have to get them to and from, and of course writing on this blog as well as my other personal blog... craziness.
So, we had our meeting at my house on Sunday. I loved it. I was pretty excited about it all week, and actually put some time into making my backyard into a more beautiful and magical haven for all of us mamas to enjoy. I was excited to clean my sun fountain and put it together on the deck. The element of water truly transforms any space. We are now meeting outdoors for the rest of the warm season, which is really nice in itself, as well as opening up a few more venues that we cannot use during indoor meetings because of cat allergy issues. Mine is one of those. I have a very beautifully soft and furry, long haired Siamese lynx mix who sheds uncontrollably and therefore owns the house. I agree with the statement that Ivy once made, "I will never be a good enough house keeper to host a guest with severe cat allergies". Since we all love K so much, and would never want to leave her out, we must reserve our cat residences for backyard gatherings only.
I had a really nice time at our first meeting in the sun. The kids played happily and harmoniously. They discovered my rock turtle

Here is my favorite project that I accomplished this week. I am making felted balls for children. I have made them before but without pictures/decor. I was also unhappy with the lightness of weight in the past. To really play with a ball, it think it is important for it to have some weight (unless it is for a little baby to pick up, and should contain a little bell for sound interest). I solved this issue with rubber bouncy balls. I am starting with them in the center. Everyone has a few laying around, if they have children. I will never have to buy any, but will use ones that people give me, as a good recycler avoids the new. Hear that everyone? Please pass on to me all unwanted bouncy balls, tennis balls, golf balls, etc. Tell your friends, and let me know if you see any at the thrift store. I'll pay you back if you buy them for me there. Thanks.
I started with natural, undyed wool and wet felted it over the ball.

I also did some over a rock, which I will cut in half, take the rock out, attach a necklace cord, and have little woolen pouches for crystals, tiny dollies, whatever.

Here it is after I needle felted decor onto the drying ball. Isn't it so cute? I am very pleased. I posed it on top of some flats of Irish Moss that I just splurged for to plant in the perennial garden bed. So soft and lush- can't wait for it to grow and cover more ground!

And yes, I agree, we are more of a movement than an organization.
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