Tonight, in a rash and frenzied primal fit of fancy, I chopped the sleeves off an old felted sweater. Eureka! Leg warmers elude me no more! Add a dash of edging and a trizzle of needle felting, a pair of galoshes and Hari Krishna! I'll be the queen of the ball.
Holy moly- you are so brilliant! I have a bazillion sweaters that I've been collecting for crafting purposes. I have concidentally been wanting leg warmers for me and for Reya. I almost bought them from Hanna Andersson, because, well, you know about me and Hanna Andersson. Luckily I couldn't afford them without deep, important sacrifice, and now I am glad, because I am soon to make some groovy, reclaimed sweater leg warmers! Would you be sore at me if I stole your idea a little, and sold some of these on Etsy?, or at the Saturday Market locally, eventually? Should I leave the selling to you, since it was your smart invention?
Please Ani, sell away! I'm sure I'm not the first person to wear their sleeves on their legs. These would be great for you to sell since they are so cheap and easy to make. Happy profits to you.
Thanks, Kristianne,
I will get crafting, as soon as I unpack far enough to get to the sweaters! I like your profile pic. Sexy!!
I was thinking you could also use this method to make the fingerless glove thingies, I don't know what they're called. You know the gloves that just have a thumb hole and conjure up memories of Cindy Lauper or Madonna.
Nice- how would I do the thumb?
Just cut a slit for the thumb, or a buttonhole and stitch around the edge.
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