Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wooly Mountain Mama

Hello all you Wooly Mamas out there! I am so glad to be a part of this creative collaboration, and share my love of crafting with all of you. Thank you Ani for gathering us together and getting this going!

So, a little about this wooly mama...

I am a modern homesteader in semi-rural Oregon, a homemaker, a mother of twins, a handcrafter, a wildcrafter, a food preserving maniac, a camper, a backpacker, a naturalist, a horticulturalist, a dreamer and an every day adventurer. I love to needle felt and wet felt wool, string necklaces with gemstone chips and animal pendants, fashion birds nests out of roots, and make little faeries with silk flower petals and leaves. My hands are always busy.

If you ever want to find me elsewhere, I keep another blog called Mountain Hearth Handcrafts about my homesteading efforts and outdoor adventures with my children, which you can visit at: http://www.mountainhearth.blogspot.com/, and one dedicated to my handcrafting business, Mountain Hearth Handcrafts, at:  http://www.mountainhearthhandcrafts.blogspot.com/. The Etsy site for this is at: http://www.mountainhearth.etsy.com/.

I am looking forward to sharing inspiration and creative dreams!

Lara Katherine Mountain Colley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lara, this is beautiful! I love the soft wispyness of it and the deep purple!
So glad you are adding to our blog (and to my life!)!